Adventure(r) in focus
Bernd Ritschel's passion for the mountains was ignited in the Ötztal valley. As a 7-year-old, he first came to Längenfeld on holiday with his parents. It was here that the now professional photographer completed his first high-altitude climbs and reached the summits of several three-thousand-metre peaks.
Later, Bernd Ritschel ventured to more exotic destinations. "I went on expeditions to the Himalayas, the Andes, Alaska, and Patagonia with my colleagues," says the Bavarian. The financial backing came from sponsors, who in return wanted photos or lectures. "That's how I ended up getting a camera," laughs the family man.
Instead of pursuing his trained profession as a mechanical engineer, he chose self-employment at the age of 25. The switch paid off. To date, the mountain photographer has published over 35 books and more than 200 calendars. His images appear in renowned publications like Geo, National Geographic, Stern, and well-known Alpine magazines. Regular lectures and exhibitions are also part of his work.
Despite many global travels, the 54-year-old is always drawn back to the Ötztal: "The many beautiful memories and the familiarity pull me back. In total, I've spent almost three years in the valley." And what are his favourite places? “In the valley, my favourite place is Längenfeld. Up high in the mountains, the Ramolhaus, Gepatschferner, Wildspitze, Wannenkarsee, and the hamlet of Brand are amongst my very favourites," explains Ritschel. His picture series in the current issue of Unlimited Magazine underscore his fascination with mountain landscapes.